When we focus on our personal growth, practice self-love, being conscious of our inner values, live with honesty, integrity, and truth, being authentic, embracing change, then our energy will vibrate at a higher frequency, radiating confidence yet humble, compassion to others.
I’ve been treated wrong by people along my journey and took me a while to learn the lessons, heal, accept situations as they are, but just because I’ve been wronged doesn't mean that I need to seek revenge or wrong other people. Forgive yourself, others, heal your wounds and move on.
Ground yourself, align with your heart values, be conscious of your thoughts, actions,find balance within, embrace your connection with the earth, release what no longer serves you, see life from a different perspective, be at peace,find happiness in the darkness by being the light.
You work at a place where you outperform the goals initially set, go the extra mile, and your manager doesn't reward you for your contribution to the company, then value yourself and know when to let go of jobs, people from where you don't get an equal given balance relation.
We aren't what the mainstream media daily try so hard to negatively tell about us. Their mission is to create fear, doubt, confusion, conflict, divide us, and manipulate the perception of ourselves and the world. Don't give them your power, look within you for truth and wisdom.
Don't give up on yourself if you are going through difficulties, instead focus on what you have lost, look within you for inner strength, balance, harmony, and change your focus, perception of your life to which new skills can you learn,develop, to improve yourself. Be Courageous.
Let go of the fear, doubt, impatience, overthinking, and look within you for inner peace, balance, strength, listen to your heart, follow your inner guidance, and you will find your truth. Believe and trust yourself. Start working on yourself,embrace change and move on in life.
You want to manifest abundance in your life, then look within you, find your inner strength, peace, self-love, balance, wisdom, listen your intuition. If you are in a negative state, then what you are manifesting is more negative situations. Change the way you perceive things
A change of perception is needed for you to be conscious, aware of your thoughts and emotions, when you are going through strong challenges on your journey, learn to believe in yourself, be confident, balanced, strong in your values, committed to working on yourself. You can do it.
If you are feeling alone, lost your faith, hope, live in fear, angry, worried, anxious, overthinking, then you can move away from this negative energy by changing your focus, healing your wounds from the past, and look within you for strength, peace, balance, harmony. You’re never alone.
Forgiving others, does not excuse what people have done to you, but it is for you to heal and releasing you from negativity, overthinking and pain. Learn the lessons through the challenges that are presented during your journey, evolve and expand your consciousness. Be courageous.
Mending a broken heart, is possible when we look within to find our light, our inner strength, self-love, wisdom, balance, peace. You are able to heal your own wounds, empowering yourself by using the lessons of the past, and transforming them into knowledge. Work on yourself.
It’s important to set healthy boundaries in our workplace,if you exchange your mental,body health, to focus only on money, almost everyday doing overtime, then you’re on the verge of a burnout, depression due to high stress. Be aware, take care of yourself, find the balance within.
When you are committed, determined to improve yourself, expand, evolve your consciousness, then you’re listening your heart. All the difficulties on your journey,meant for you to find your truth,wisdom, your inner strength,how resourceful you are,adaptable, flexible you can be.