Stop being distracted in life, seeking external guidance and start to focus on looking within, find your inner truth, strength, balance, align your thoughts, emotions, actions, with your heart core values, then you will realize that the answers are within you. Believe in yourself.

Taking shortcuts in life because we want to achieve an objective as fast as possible no matter what, is the easy way, but in the long run, we will realize that we have to damn our light, living a meaningless life. Be aware of it. Trust and listen to your heart, follow its guidance.

We all have different scripts on our journeys. We’re responsible for learning, uncovering our tremendous potential. We are far more than what we have been taught, and we must free ourselves from beliefs, behaviors that do not align with our hearts and find within our inner truths.

If we focus on what we don’t have, feeling worthless, angry, anxious, jealous of what others have, then we’re not aligned with our heart values such as love, abundance, compassion, peace. We’re enough, worthy but we need to work on ourselves. Let go of the beliefs that are limiting you.

Don’t surrender to the Lack mentality, instead look within yourself for inner strength, peace, resilience, truth, self-love, balance, and be conscious of those beliefs, behaviors that are holding you back. Change your perception of what you don't have and appreciate what you have.

When we focus on learning, develop ourselves following our dreams, then instead we chase success we will understand that through the power of gratitude, patience, peace, Love, compassion, success will naturally flow to us. Don't waste your time on gossip, drama, envy in your life.

Duality is a part of our lives and for me to find the light, I had to go through a long period of darkness in my life, working on my fears, anxiety, depression, pain, anger triggered through relationships. I have been beaten down to my knees, heartbroken, but I have never given up on life.

I chose to learn how to balance, accept and integrate my shadow side within me, making me strong, resilient, determined, compassionate, learning how to love myself, confident, aware, conscious of my value, reclaiming my power. I’m grateful for all the challenges experienced in my life.

Don’t allow negativity to poison your heart. Be conscious, flexible, and brave to release those limiting beliefs, behaviors that are holding you back. Align yourself with your heart's true values. Be grateful for the things you have and take nothing for granted. Work on yourself.

To each one of us, life presents different challenges and it’s our responsibility to look at them and then take action to overcome those obstacles for us to learn, grow, evolve. Find your inner strength, be resilient, determined and focus on your inner growth and balance.

I was born in a dysfunctional family, where lack of communication, criticism, controlling behaviors was a constant, where was expected luck or a miracle to happen in their lives instead of doing the work to improve, free themselves from limiting beliefs. I chose to liberate myself.

We shouldn’t seek the approval of others instead we need to ask ourselves for approval, if we are in alignment with our heart values, because we are Love, freedom, harmony, and enough. Accept and nurture yourself unconditionally, follow your heart. Be strong, faithful, and balanced.

I am who I choose to be and you are who you choose to be, not what others wish or want you to be. Find your inner peace, strength, and courage to constantly improve yourself. You’re unique, worthy and the challenges that you’re facing is for your ultimate good. Believe in yourself.

We need to heal the wounds from the past, ground ourselves, find harmony, peace and balance our energy by working on ourselves every day. Practice gratitude, forgiveness, patience, self-love, compassion, kindness daily. Be authentic, genuine, and follow your inner truth.

Being open to new possibilities of a more meaningful life by seeking the balance between body, mind, and spirit, being conscious, aware of our thoughts, emotions, actions, and how they impact ourselves and others is important. Live your life with high values such as integrity and truth.

Life is change. When we want to change some area in our life, we need to believe in ourselves, be confident, committed to the decision that we made to make things happen. Don’t allow what other people tell you to plant the seeds of fear, doubt, discouragement within you.

When someone tells us that we will never achieve a certain goal or a dream, at that moment we need to look within our inner strength, faith, balance, being conscious, knowing that these people are projecting their fears, insecurities, frustrations on us. Don’t give up on your dreams.

When we trust and listen to our intuition we are our driving force. Life is not about settling for disempowering beliefs that we gain through our journey it is having the discernment of those that don’t serve us and the courage to let them go. Change is a part of life, embrace it.

We need to create new habits to support our growth, harmony and let go of those that are holding us back. Use our inner strength as a catalyst for the necessary changes that make us move forward in life. Let us plant the seed of love, compassion rather than fear, anger in this world.

When we open ourselves to the path of forgiveness, we are ready to heal our wounds. Nothing happens in our lives without a reason, learn the lessons through your experiences, accept, understand it as it is, grow, evolve and move on in life. Healing is a process, so be patient and brave.

Release the guilt, pain and search within for inner healing. When a door close to you another will open, but you need to work on your fears, illusions. Life is growth, look for things that help you develop. Be your alchemist, turn your negativity into energy that empowers you.

We’re a Soul in a human body that are here to experience, learn, grow and evolve. One of the challenges we face is to free ourselves from the mold that this society is trying to fit us. We’re freedom-oriented not fear oriented beings. Let go of the beliefs that are holding you back.

Our goal in life is to find the balance in our thoughts, feelings, actions, nurturing our body, mind, and spirit daily. We’re here to evolve. We have within us Love, truth, strength, wisdom, abundance, the key to access it, but we must calm our minds and listen to our hearts.

Free yourself from the chains of the past, heal yourself deeply. You can conquer your challenges. Look within and unlock your limitless potential of wisdom, inner peace. Be proud of your uniqueness, be courageous, balanced, strong, and patient. Believe in yourself.

Be thankful to the mentors that challenged you, because they enter your life to help you grow, evolve, expand your consciousness, finding your inner strength, self-love. Forgive yourself and those who have betrayed you so that you can free yourself and move on in life. Time to heal.

When We build trust, confidence within ourselves, we do not have room in our lives for negativity, we gain the discernment to see those beliefs, behaviors that no longer serve us and the ones that serve. Change is a process, so be patient with yourself as you move forward. Courage.

Learning how to love, appreciating our own company is the key for us to leverage ourselves through self-awareness, understanding, and accepting that whatever happens in our lives, we can overcome it by looking within, finding inner balance, peace, strength, changing our perception.

Being attached to those disempowering beliefs learned since childhood only will lead us to self-limiting, self-sabotage ourselves, living in fear instead focus on self-growth, self-love. We’ve to let go of the ordinary way of thinking, being because we’re unique and extraordinary.

If we keep ourselves with negative thoughts, behaviors, then what we will attract is more negative situations, instead, we can transmute that energy to a more positive energy state by focusing on things that we are grateful for in our lives. Change your way of seeing life. Courage.

Through my journey, I met toxic people(family, friends, coworkers) who hurt me deeply, betrayed, broken my heart leading me through depression, fear, doubt, anger, anxiety. I’ve chosen to learn the lessons of understanding the power of forgiveness and compassion. Never give up on yourself.

We can find the light in our challenges with a deep sense of inner peace, we can shift our perception from negativity to a more positive mindset. Be determined to travel into your depth without fear, be courageous when facing your shadow side. Heighten your consciousness.

We’re all connected to the earth and we’ve been living a more fear-based life, it’s time for us to live a more heart-based life instead, learning to look within for inner balance, clarity, truth, growth, strength, guidance, and that we can free ourselves from any limiting beliefs.

Duality is a constant in life and for us to know what needs to be changed, we need to be aware, conscious, courageous, compassionate, to embrace our shadow side by paying attention to our emotional reactions towards others, dark thoughts, behaviors. Heal & accept it as a part of you.

When our lives don't turn out the way we thought they would, doubt, fear, anxiety arises, but is in these moments that we can choose not to give up, trying to calm our mind, changing our perception by looking within, finding balance, harmony, peace, strength and start again with faith.

All of us have our struggles in life, but we must commit to ourselves to keep faithful and hopeful when situations don’t go as we expected. Be resilient, patient, find your inner strength, the wisdom within, learn the lessons to move on, and live with honesty, integrity, and truth.

Each one of us is on a journey of self-discovery, use your time and energy on things that allow you to grow, develop, bring you joy, peace and let go of old beliefs that are keeping you trapped, listen to your intuition, change your perception. Learn,evolve,adapt. Free yourself.

Stay centered, grounded, shine from within, don’t be afraid to expand your mind, and be broad-minded to see the world from new perspectives. Finding excuses when challenges arise won’t get us anywhere. When the world is falling apart, we can still make the best of what's still around.

Stop trying to fit in, please and adapt to others, to belong. Forgive yourself for not fitting in, be unique, genuine, just be yourself, and learn to love yourself, enjoying your own company. Worrying won’t change an outcome, but your choices will. Be authentic and shine your light.

Living on this planet is a blessing because we have so many opportunities to learn, grow, evolve, discover our inner self, thrive, achieving much more through collaboration. Release negativity, change your perception and embrace your quest with courage, curiosity, and compassion.

Our own experiences will give us a unique perspective of life when we choose to learn from them, we gain clarity, inner strength, inner growth and understand ourselves better. Be aware of those beliefs that are holding you back, the way you talk to yourself. Be gentle with yourself.

When we’re constantly dwelling with people, situations in our lives that emotional triggers us, instead of being overwhelmed, in fear, anger, denial, anxiety, depression, we need to be aware of our shadow side, practicing self-compassion, forgiveness. Heal and make peace with the past.

We need to carry our burdens, our truth, and not others. Don’t allow others to tell you what to do or how you should be. Find your path, follow your intuition. Let go of fear, doubt, have courage, be resilient. Be your authentic self, take control of your life and embrace change.

We’re wrapping up a challenging year for all of us, but we can choose to see the opportunities through the difficulties, struggles, losses if we let go of the negative thoughts, toxic people, situations, behaviors that we know that are holding us back. Look within and change. HNY 2021.

People want success, fame as if it was the most important thing to achieve in life. We are here to learn, grow, evolve and when you work on yourself mentally, spiritually, physically, then you will find purpose in life. Be your true self in a world where most want to be someone else.

Our Inner strength and growth are forged through the challenges that we experience during our journey’s. When we decide to learn, understand those lessons, we will develop our character, going through a transformation, becoming more resilient, aware, conscious. Embrace change.

If we keep dealing with people, situations during our journey’s who let us go through heartbreak, pain, depression, anger, anxiety, fear, resentment, this means that we haven’t learned the lesson, and if we don’t change, we will keep attracting more. the answers are inside you. Have Courage.

Most people are always looking for what they don't have instead of being grateful for what they’ve. Take a step back, look within yourself, find balance, harmony, peace by listening to your intuition. Let go of those disempowering beliefs, behaviors that are holding you back. Be strong.

So many people want to know what’s going on in other people’s lives instead of focus on learning, understanding more about themselves and what’s happening in their lives. Work on yourself, grow, improve and let go of what no longer serves you like toxic habits, patterns, behaviors.

Living an extraordinary life means that we’ve to learn, change, adapt, develop, evolve, transform, expand our consciousness, awareness through different challenges during our journey for us to be the best version of ourselves. Embrace uncertainty, trust your inner guidance.

f we are constantly complaining in life, judging, blaming, angry, sad, depressed, seeing people, the world as the root cause of our problems, we’re in a negative state and if we don’t change our perception we will keep attracting more negativity. Look within to find inner peace.

Each one of us is going through different challenges in our life’s, if you’re feeling lost, fear, angry, depressed, sad, all these negative emotions are meant for you to learn the lessons and healing from what you’ve or you’re experiencing in your journey. Be strong and courageous.

Find balance within is the key for us to thrive, evolve through our journeys. Take care of your body, he is your vessel to navigate in life, exercise, eat healthily, your mind by spending time in nature, unplugging from technology, your spirit by looking within exploring your core.

Be conscious of your thoughts, actions toward yourself and others. Let go of those disempowering beliefs, behaviors that you’ve acquired through your journey, instead learn the lesson from them, moving forward in life with compassion and understanding. Change your perception.

We born free of limitations and this society right away start to limit, restrict our actions, mind, forcing us through questionable laws, rules to be sheep in this outdated system with disempowering beliefs that are creating inner conflict, social inequality. Time to break free.

Failure isn’t the end of the world, it’s an opportunity that we have to learn from and evolve. Change your perception, don’t allow a challenge to define who you are, letting you with negative thoughts, hopelessness, fear, anger. See it as it is, a way for you to improve and grow.

During our journey, we experience different types of emotions and those who created wounds, left scars, trauma from pain, fear, anger, anxiety, depression, heartbreak, dishonesty, betrayal, you can choose to grow from these challenges and move on. Healing is a process. Be patient.

For us to learn from our life experiences, we need to accept, understand those lessons moving on, evolving, forgiving ourselves & others, build our character, assess if our values, beliefs are aligned with our soul or if we need to let go of those that don’t allow us to move forward.

We can transform our challenges, difficulties, struggles, pain in our lives into inner wisdom, strength if we choose to learn the lessons from our journeys by raising our levels of consciousness, awareness. Let go of the past. Forgive yourself, others and move on. Find your peace.

When people understand that we aren’t here to compete with each other, to be better than anyone but that we’re here to learn, grow, expand our soul through our life experiences to be the best version of ourselves and through cooperation make the world a better place.

Life isn’t an SOP (standard operating procedure) where we follow instructions step by step on how to live our lives. Be eager to learn the lessons through your journey, be enthusiastic, see each challenge in your life as an opportunity to grow, evolve. Free yourself from the norm.

People focus all their energy, time pursuing material wealth thinking that it will bring them happiness, success, but they’re neglecting their spiritual development who can help them achieve abundance, prosperity, fulfillment through personal growth, balanced life. Be aware of it.

One of our challenges in life is how to break free from the disempowering beliefs, rules, patterns, behaviors that we acquire from family, friends, the education system, governments, and others from the environment we are in. Be your true self and don't let other people hinder you.

People are in surviving mode through their journeys and it’s time for you to switch off from an unfulfilled, stressful, unhealthy lifestyle. Look within, find the passion, inspiring yourself and others to experience a more purposeful life enjoying time in a natural environment.

Each one of us has lessons to learn in life to evolve our soul, deal with karmic debts from past lives. There isn’t only 1 formula to help us find our true purpose and deal with our challenges. It's a journey of self-discovery, and you have what it takes to get there.

Darkness isn’t something we should be afraid of it. If you’ve or are experiencing darkness in life, remember that you can ignite the flame you have within through the dark to illuminate your path who will lead you to reach the light. You can overcome anything. Be courageous.

In life, we are called to make choices to move through our journey. Some of them will lead us to a path with though roadblocks ahead and we can choose to accept those challenges, learning, evolving our soul from those lessons. Allow failure teach you strength and resilience.

Life wasn’t meant to be easy or difficult, but to be as it is with up’s and downs through our journey, allowing us to evolve, expand our Soul through human life experiences. We learn most from the challenges and setbacks that help us shape our character, strength, and perception.

I’ve learned to operate from my heart(Soul) having discernment, consciousness, awareness, compassion to align my emotions with my mind(thoughts) finding the balance, strength, harmony, peace, the wisdom within to move with confidence, courage through life. I’ve let go of the past.

Your time and energy are your most valuable assets because you can choose to take action applying them for your inner growth, self-awareness, empowering yourself, and help others too or you can waste your time in negativity, overthinking, jealousy, fear, hate, revenge. choose wisely.

See life from a different perspective if you’re stuck in your mind, frustrated, in fear, anger. No matter what you’re going through(challenges), you have the power to set yourself free, change, transmute that negativity into knowledge, awareness, creativity. Be Strong, courageous.

Explore and integrate your shadow side in your life. It will lead you to be more grounded enhancing your personal development, self-awareness, change of perception, aligning with your soul but first, you need to be conscious of your shadow aspects and behaviors. It’s a process.

When we’re aligned with our soul, we set ourselves free from our limitations having the clarity, consciousness of our truth. Be authentic, honest with integrity speaking your truth. Time to break free from this Webb of fear that these governments created to control us.

I have experienced so many difficult challenges, adversities, pain, negative outcomes through my journey but I never lost my hope and faith. I’m so grateful for all of them because if I didn’t experience them I couldn’t be who I’m today a more balanced and compassionate being.

In our life’s we like to control what’s the next step, the output of a situation, becoming anxious, impatient on the outcome but we need to learn how to navigate through the flow of life is comfortable, excited with the unexpected. Don’t take life so serious, enjoy the ride.

When we’re going through some challenging lessons during our journey and we feel doubt, fear, anxiety, anger, we must get out of our mind, accepting the situation as it is, learning from it by being open-minded, seeing it with a different perception. Change is the key.

For you to embrace change in your life as a constant, expanding, growing, evolving spiritually, and moving forward in life with a purpose you need to be committed with yourself to let go of those disempowering beliefs that are keeping you trapped. Be courageous and conscious.

Detach from the drama that you’re going through by seeing it from a different perspective. It will allow you to move forward in life instead of being stuck on your head(overthinking), in fear, anger, resentment. Let go of toxic people no matter family, friends. Value yourself first.

People pursue love, inspiration, happiness, prosperity, security, abundance in the outer world but they don’t realize that they’ve it all within their inner world. Be aware of it, align with your soul, follow your inner voice (intuition). Find the balance, peace, and harmony within.

Shed those disempowering beliefs that you’ve learned, that are intrinsically imprinted within you and that are holding you back. Start to see the world from your lens and not from others. Change your perspective and perception of life. Be strong, courageous, and mindful.

People are divided, focus on the circus created by irresponsible people in positions of power with the connivance of some media to blindfold us through illusion, hate, lying, deceiving, manipulation, control, inciting conflict within the society. It’s time for unity and cooperation.

When you’re going through depression, anxiety, hopelessness, stop overthinking, get out of your mind, find through stillness the balance, peace, paying attention to what your intuition tells you. Be aware of the content that you’re absorbing. Choose positive, motivational content.

We can change our life for the better when we tap into our inner world finding all the answers within us when connected with our soul. Change your perception, follow your intuition who will lead you to a purposeful life by being your true self, speaking your truth. Be strong.

The hard times that we went through were meant for us to learn, evolve, becoming more mentally strong, resilient, conscious, aware, determined, compassionate, confident being in a way that when we accept, understand that they were a blessing in disguise. we should be grateful.

We’re here to learn, evolve, expand as a spiritual being that’s going through human life challenges. When we act with Love, peace, kindness, compassion, empathy, integrity, truth we’re contributing to building a more equal world where we all can prosper and thrive along our paths.

I become a strong, self-love, resilient, conscious, adaptable, determined, compassionate person because I’ve learned, evolved, healed, embracing the darkness in my life journey such as pain, heartbreak, fear, anger, anxiety, suffering, depression, betrayal. Look within yourself.

Don’t allow the past experiences to make you bitter, resentful, angry, fearful, in victim mode instead learn and heal from them through forgiveness, self-love, seeing the situations from a different perspective allowing yourself to break free from fear, pain, anxiety, judgment.

Relationships between family, Love, friends, coworkers were a challenge bringing me down to my knees, pain, heartbreak, betrayal, anger, depression but then I decided to accept, learning from them becoming conscious, aware, forgiving, cutting the toxic people and freeing myself.

People forget how special life is and how grateful we should be for having this opportunity to be here to learn, grow, evolve and expand our soul through human life experiences. Release the old, out-dated beliefs that are disempowering you and follow the whispers of your soul.

Honesty, integrity, truth are essential principles for us through Cooperation to help each other to build a strong foundation for living with more equality, Love, compassion, trust, joy, kindness, purpose. Let’s discover, evolve, overcome challenges together as a global community.

People are in fear, anxious, angry because they want life to go back to “normal”. You weren’t living, you’re surviving limited by those disempowering beliefs that are still keeping you trapped (mind). Connect with your inner self, free yourself from the past and move forward.

When you’re stuck in life and don’t know how to get out of it, start by being conscious, aware of your thoughts and actions, looking at obstacles as opportunities to learn and grow especially from failure. Change your perspective, perception when you’re emotionally triggered. 

When you allow yourself to connect with your intuition you will know that everything happens for a reason, for you to learn, evolve, grow, expand your soul. You can choose to embrace change as a constant, release fear, anger, anxiety, old beliefs for you to be your true self.

In some parts of the world, we’re assisting with a partial lockdown. Don’t lose hope and faith at this moment, don’t let the fear control your mind instead find within you that resilience, strength, determination, adaptability to go through this challenging time. You’re not alone.

The world is not only black or white it is like a Pantone palette where you can every day choose which color you want to paint your actions and thoughts in each situation that you’re experiencing through your journey. Be courageous, conscious, adaptable, change your perception.

Find balance within you, don’t believe or follow what some mindless, deceiving, dishonest people say or do and that instead of contributing to unity, truth, harmony, and social peace are dividing, creating social conflict, manipulating info and facts to fulfill their ego.

For us to see the good in others, we need to have compassion for ourselves. Let’s act, think from a place of Love, kindness, peace, integrity, truth, creativity for us to thrive on this planet as one and together evolve humanity to a new level of consciousness.

When you work on your development and growth, you will be filled with joy, inspiration, motivation, creativity, enthusiasm, fulfillment. You will be conscious of your thoughts and actions that are going to be created from a place of love, harmony, and peace. Keep it going.

Failure is an opportunity to learn. Embrace freedom, release those limiting beliefs that are holding you back and don’t let other's opinions influence you. Be yourself, courageous, strong, and conscious that challenges will allow you to evolve, expand, grow as a spiritual being.

Don’t compromise your integrity to 'get ahead' in any situation. Honor your truths, be conscious if your values are coming from a place of honesty, compassion, and truth (heart) instead of coming from your ego (mind).

One thing that can “mend broken bridges” between us by making us more conscious, empathetic to the other person is compassion. Is more important to be kind, patient, balanced, forgiving, in harmony than to be right. Look at the situation and be honest, with integrity and truth.

Take care of your body like walking, aware of the food you eat, mind by freeing yourself from overthinking, fear, nurture your spirit by aligning with your soul, follow your intuition who will lead you to a purposeful life. You’re blessed, loved by the angels, spirits, and God.

Each one of us is going through different challenges in our life’s and you can choose to learn, expand and evolve as a spiritual being that is here to have human experiences. Duality is a part of it, understand that you can change your reality by changing your perception.

In this world, most people are surviving instead of thriving. They accepted the disempowering beliefs that had been taught from an outdated system created by mindless, egocentric people who are in positions of responsibility and use power for their benefit. Question your beliefs.

Through times of uncertainty, we have to take a step back and look within us using this time to reevaluate if we want to keep living in fear, anger, anxiety. Remove the “masks” that you use to fit this society, align yourself with your soul who will lead you to the right path.

I went through situations in my life that just didn’t go in my favor but I was able to bounce back, learn from them, gain more wisdom, focus, resilience, consciousness of my strength, determination. Change your perception, find balance, harmony, peace, courage within. You can do it.

You can beat the odds, you can beat any challenge and experience that you’re going through if you align yourself with your soul, following the intuition that will lead you to an all-new world of opportunities fulfilled with Love, compassion, peace, harmony, integrity, and truth.

Instead, you put other people down, have compassion, be kind and patient with them. Persist, adapt, ground yourself, make the difference by being your true self. Brighten the day of those around you by sharing your light but aware of those that only want to drain your energy.

Pain, suffering, darkness can give you wisdom on the lessons that you’re going through if you choose to look at them as they’re, without fear, anger, resentment, guilt, shame. Rise like a phoenix from the ashes. Change, the transformation will bring you freedom, a new perception of life.

Life’s filled with high’s and low’s. You can overcome adversity if you look inside of you when a situation triggers an emotion that leads you to react from your ego (fear, anger, pride, jealousy) instead you can act from your heart (compassion, kindness, peace, harmony, soul).

Expand your perspective and perception about life. Open yourself to the changes that you need to do to evolve, grow and align with your soul. Release the past, the old beliefs, the negativity, fear, and embrace the new, the unexpected with faith, resilience, and courage.

We only can see the light if we went through the darkness. Work on your fears, the negativity that you’re immersed in. Don’t give up on yourself instead learn, understand, accept the lessons. Change your perception. Believe and free yourself from your mind. You can reach the light.

All of us have the key to Love, success, fulfillment in our lives. Our soul is eternal, the lessons that we’re going through are meant to evolve, strengthen us, deal with karmic relationships, do our shadow work to find the balance between light and darkness.

People have to change, breakthrough, liberate themselves from negativity, fear, anger, dishonesty, competitiveness, fighting, manipulative mindset that is affecting the collective. Follow your inner wisdom, your truth instead of deceiving, lying, egocentric, narcissistic individuals.

Many People are unhappy, unfulfilled, not motivated in their current jobs. You’re out of balance, align with your soul, allow yourself to move forward in life, to get on the right path instead of escalating the wrong mountain. Following your intuition will lead you to your purpose.

f you’re feeling jealous about someone else lifestyle, love life, wealth, then it’s time for you to wake up, be conscious of your thoughts, feelings, and actions because you’re in low vibrational energy. Focus on those aspects of you that you know that need change. Have Courage.

Don’t dwell in sadness and sorrow, reorient yourself by healing your fragmented heart with love and forgiveness. Open your mind, body, and spirit to the opportunities that arise. You can evolve, grow with a new perception, change is inevitable for you to thrive. You’re strong.

Your thoughts & actions dictate your reality. Embrace positivity, change, love, find the balance between light and darkness. The challenges in your journey are blessings that happened for you to learn, expand, evolve as a spiritual being that’s going through human life experiences.

Egocentric, narcissistic, manipulative people are in positions of power in our society and instead, you become conscious of their actions to divides us, control us through fear without values based on honesty, integrity, truth, you’re trapped in your mind. Wake up from the illusion.

Every day you absorb so much information from media. Be aware of the info that you consume. Don’t believe in everything that you listen to or read. Be conscious of your thoughts, actions towards news, don’t follow the crowd when comes to judging, criticizing, complaining about others.

All the answers you need are within you already. What you need to do is to find peace, balance, harmony through stillness and then you will be aligning your mind, body, the spirit in a way that you connect with your soul. Don’t allow the external noise around to affect you. Be strong.

We are free spirits. It’s time to disrupt with the disempowering beliefs that you’ve been confirmed and find your truth, purpose in this world. By being our true selves and cooperating from an honest, with integrity, truth place we made the world a better place.

Since childhood, this society tells us how we should behave, believe, defining what’s good or bad, follow rules, and if you don’t follow you will be judged, marginalized, punished. They don’t want us to connect with your soul and see the truth. They want to control us through fear.

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