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Unlock Your Potential: Breaking Free from Self-Limiting Beliefs
A Journey of Self-discovery towards Self-Acceptance
podcast - SoulGuidance: Shining light on your shadows
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Unlock Your Potential: Breaking Free from Self-Limiting Beliefs
A Journey of Self-discovery towards Self-Acceptance
podcast - SoulGuidance: Shining light on your shadows
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podcast - SoulGuidance: Shining light on your shadows
{"songs":[{"title":""Episode 1" - Understanding Shadows Through My Journey", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/4868798/normal_6549db1077065.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/podcast-soulguidance-shining-light-on-your-shadows/understanding-shadows-through-my-journey", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""In Episode 1 of 'SoulGuidance: Shining Light on Your Shadows, \r\nI share a personal story of my journey of self-discovery and shadow work. This episode explores the transformative power of understanding and embracing one's inner shadows, a process that allows us to transmute fears, traumas, and limiting beliefs into strengths.\r\nThe journey begins with self-awareness, as I navigated through my own struggles of fear, self-doubt, and past traumas. The realization that shadows exist within us leads to the pivotal decision to challenge negative thoughts and narratives, ultimately choosing empowerment over victimhood. \r\nThis episode serves as an inspirational reminder that we all possess the inner strength to rise above our shadows and\r\nfocus on our growth paths. It encourages listeners to embark on their unique journeys of self-discovery and empowerment. By shining a light on their own shadows, they can uncover the authentic, empowered, and resilient versions of themselves. \r\n\r\nSubscribe to 'SoulGuidance' and begin your own transformative journey today.\r\n\r\nNever give up on your true authentic self!\r\n\r\nLove and Light\r\nPedro"", "image":"https://images.cdn-files-a.com/uploads/4868798/100_6549db487e5cc.jpg"},{"title":""Episode 2" - My Personal Journey of Healing Past Shadows", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/4868798/normal_6549dbd1526f6.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/podcast-soulguidance-shining-light-on-your-shadows/my-personal-journey-of-healing-past-shadows", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""In Episode 2 of 'SoulGuidance: Shining Light on Your Shadows,' I take you on my deeply personal journey of healing past shadows. This episode is a testament to the transformative power of resilience, courage, and unwavering belief in oneself.\r\n \r\nIn this episode, I shared my own experiences of facing adversity, confronting fears, and transmuting insecurities into strengths. Where I discovered that adversity could serve as a catalyst for profound personal growth when met with determination and resilience. The fears and insecurities that once held me back became sources of empowerment.\r\n \r\nA key element of my healing journey was learning to trust, believe, and follow my intuition. It became an essential compass, guiding me through the healing process and towards authentic self-empowerment. I emphasize that intuition is often an overlooked but powerful source of inner wisdom, one that can lead us toward choices aligned with our true selves.\r\n \r\nThe episode is a reminder that our past shadows need not define us; they can become stepping stones to a brighter future. By embracing and integrating our shadows, learning to trust our intuition, and believing in our own resilience, we can embark on a transformative journey of healing and self-empowerment."", "image":"https://images.cdn-files-a.com/uploads/4868798/100_6549dbc1c1159.jpg"}]}