It is time to get out of your head and start to listen to your heart(intuition). Meditate and you will find the balance between your mind, body, and soul. Each one of you that think that you’re lost in this world, you’re not, you just are disconnected from your soul. You are Unique.
Stop complaining about your life, you aren’t a victim, you are going through these experiences in your life to help your soul to learn and grow through them. Have Faith and be courageous.
All of us are here to learn, grow and develop our souls through our life experiences. We have Light and darkness within us, the goal is not to let the light shine more than the darkness but to find the balance of both energies. Work on your shadow side.
Work out through your fears, overthinking, anxiety, anger, addictions, these are low vibrational frequencies and it’s your faith, strength, courage, resilience, self-love, awareness, that can help you to understand, accept, integrate your Shadow side. Believe in yourself.
Difficulties that you’re going through in life don’t mean to weaken you instead the purpose is to help you get stronger and evolve your soul. Change your perception and be aware of the lessons through your journey.
In those days, where you feel down, discouraged by others, things weren’t going as you wanted. Take a moment, close your eyes, inspire and expire slowly, tap into your heart and allow the connection to your true self. Have Faith and Love yourself.
When you have Faith, believe in yourself, and follow your intuition, then you are 1 step ahead of finding your purpose. Love yourself, be kind, have compassion for others. Fear doesn’t overcome true Love.
When you are in a state of fear, anxiety, insecurity, that’s your ego control you through your mind, it’s an illusion to keep you trapped. Please change your perception, connect with your heart and be grateful for the good things that you have in your life.
You don’t need to look out in the external environment for happiness, fulfillment, abundance, joy, Love, Kindness, strength, courage, compassion, peace, harmony, balance. All of them are within you, you have an absolute and unique beautiful soul.
Don’t take anything in life for granted, be grateful for what you have, live in the present, release the past, and trust in your inner guidance. The most important asset that you have is your time and energy. Choose wisely where and with whom you spent them.
In this unbalanced society, people that judge others, are simply mirroring their fears, frustrations, their inability to deal with their shadow side. Break free from this low energy, connect with your soul, be kind, have compassion for yourself and others.
This system teaches you since childhood to believe that you are limited, that you aren’t good enough, they control you through fear, insecurity, illusion (ego). Why they don’t teach us, how to connect with our inner self? Life is a blessing, you are limitless!
Life is a journey, where you will face challenges that most of the time ask you to get out of your comfort zone. They happened in your life to help you grow, evolve your beautiful soul. Change is the key to enhance our development.
Why this world is a place where fear, anxiety, stress, unhappiness, anger, depression, sadness, illness are constant? People are not thriving they’re surviving because are disconnected from their beautiful Soul, which is a being of Love, compassion, integrity.
I believe in all of you! Those that are searching your inner peace, harmony, truth, Love, still are working on your shadow side to grow and evolve leading you to find the balance between light and shadow allowing yourself to connect with your Soul!
Today is a great day for you to release the fears, doubts, anxieties, anger, those disempowering believes that have been keeping you away from the beautiful true essence that is within you. You are a Lovely and amazing soul being.
We live in a world where most people are trapped in their minds, allowing their ego to control them, keep them in a state of fear, anxiety, procrastination, stuck in negative thinking. Get out of your mind and allow your heart to lead you through Love.
Do you feel fulfilled when you are in a state of fear, anxiety, anger, jealousy, depression, complaining about everything in your life? If no, please look at yourself, be aware, conscious of what’s going on in your life, and change your perception and actions.
Balance, peace, harmony, Love, compassion, all these feelings, awareness come from your heart, not from your mind. To be in these states, you need to be conscious of what’s going inside of you. Allow your soul to expand your perception and seeing your truth.
When you connect with your soul, all the beliefs that you have been taught and experience until there will crumble, you will set free from fear, anxiety, low energies. The way you see your life and world will change. It requires great courage and strength.
Follow your inner compass (intuition), it will lead you to be authentic, genuine, and find your truth.
We live on a beautiful Planet, that provides us everything we need through our journey. Be conscious of your actions, they are harming this high consumer society. It’s time for us to change and build a new sustainable way of living.
You can be a spiritual being, conscious, connected with your soul, and at the same time be practical, taking actions that lead you to live your life with purpose, Love, balance, truth, mindfulness, awareness, peace, harmony, health, abundance. Believe!
Each day passing, you have the choice to stuck in your head (ego), in fear, anxious and upset by the things that you don’t have or look up for yourself, be grateful for everything that you have, believe, be courageous, and allow your intuition guide you.
Surrender to the universe, all your fears, forgive yourself and others. Focus on understanding, accepting the lessons learned through tough experiences in your journey. It is meant to strengthen you, changing your perception, challenging your old beliefs.
You can start today to change your life, by changing your mindset, detach from all the beliefs (illusions) that you have been learning from this society. Be courageous, have faith, believe that you are unique and limitless. Connect with your truth!
Embrace change, stop trying to control what will happen tomorrow, have Faith, free yourself from fear (ego), connect with your soul, allow yourself to live in the present, live a life with purpose. It’s a process and the key is inside of you.
Transmute your negative thinking and patterns by being grateful for all the experiences that you’ve been through. They were meant to strengthen you, changing your perception, breaking free from the old beliefs that you’ve been taught through this society.
You feel the heaviness and burdens that this society created, the disempowering beliefs, the lack of peace and harmony in your life. Don’t let this noise affect your inner peace. Find your space, be still and allow your intuition to guide you through Love.
You can choose to spend your time and energy with people or situations that don’t add any value to you. Be aware of that and instead focus on the things that help you to grow, evolve, changing your perception. Don’t be afraid of taking the first step.
I suffered betrayals in toxic relationships with family, friends, coworkers, girlfriends, bullied at school, my heart was broken, devastated, but even though, I keep my Faith, forgiving myself and others. These experiences made me stronger, more compassionate.
I embraced change as a natural part of my journey, questioning my beliefs, adapting myself to situations that before I was avoiding. I didn’t want to get out of my comfort zone. I’ve changed my perception and learned to feel comfortable being uncomfortable.
Fear, anxiety is an illusion that is keeping you away from your true self. You have all the Love, peace, strength, wisdom inside of you. Balance your energy, be grateful, conscious, and aware of your gifts. We are spiritual beings experiencing a human life.
The difficulties, disappointments, struggles that you’ve been going through your journey, meant to make you stronger, wise, see them as lessons learned, change your mindset, be grateful because they allowed you to evolve into a better version of yourself.
Through my journey, I’ve experienced darkness, fear, anxiety, procrastination, anger, addictions, lack of understanding of why all this was happening to me. One day I decided it’s enough, changing my perception about these lessons, embracing change as a constant.
Be aware when you feel your energy levels drained after being with certain people, avoid spending your time with those energy “vampires”. Set up boundaries and choose wisely with whom you spend your time and energy.
Forgiveness is a strength, allow yourself to set free of anger, jealousy, hate, fear. Learn to forgive yourself and others, be aware of your thoughts and feelings, change your perception, be kind and have compassion for yourself and others.
Staying in a positive state is great but more important than that is to find the balance between Light and darkness. When negative thoughts, feelings, actions arise in you, transmute that energy into positivity. Focus on things that bring the best of you.
We are all energetically connected. It’s time for us to shift from this negativity, lies, competitiveness, fear-based energies that are consuming mankind and begin a new era where cooperation, integrity, compassion, Love, truth, kindness are a constant.
Stop living in past, what you’ve been going through was meant to help you evolve your Soul through those experiences. Understand, accept those lessons. Be present, aware, conscious of what’s going on inside of you. Follow your intuition.
We’re not here only to work on a job from 8 ~ 5, eat, drink, sleep, have holidays, every year. We’re here to learn, expand, evolve our Souls through human life experiences. Each one of us is unique and can contribute to raising consciousness in this world.
When we’re stuck in our mind, indecisive about some situation, it’s because we’re disconnected from our hearts. Through stillness, you will find your peace, balance, and harmony. Trust and follow your inner voice.
Being authentic, genuine, honest, with integrity, truth is a rarity in a society where most people damn their light to be a part of something or with someone because they are afraid of being left out or rejected. Carve your path.
When you judge or criticize others, you’re mirroring your fears, frustrations, insecurities, anger. Be aware of that, change your perception, focus on learning, evolving from these low energies, be more kind, conscious of your actions towards yourself and others.
Living in fear, anxiety, stress, day after day is leading you to be in survival mode. Take a break, review what’s going on in your life. Find the balance, peace, harmony, love, compassion in your life through meditation. You are here to evolve and thrive.
We’re here to learn, evolve our soul through human life experiences and when we are connected with our soul, be patient, grateful, trust and allow ourselves to go with the flow then you will not only achieve great individual success but will help others too.
Balance is the key to awareness, expanding your consciousness to new levels where you will change, adapt your perceptions through your reality. when you balance, align your energy, thoughts, emotions, you will not be influenced by what’s going on around you.
Don’t let fear define who you’re through thoughts, actions, being influenced by other people or circumstances. Ground yourself, be resilient, find a space where you can be at peace and connected with your soul. Free yourself from limiting beliefs.
No matter what happened in your life before that was so difficult, broken you down, those experiences meant to strengthen you, evolve your soul. You can choose to move forward by learning, understanding them or you can stay trapped in the past. Be courageous.
Most of the People stay every single day in their unfulfilled jobs waiting time to pass, afraid to take that important decision (leave) & move forward. Be bold, make an action plan for learning new skills, work on your weaknesses. Create your path.
You’ve all you need to be successful, fulfilled but to achieve it, you need to change habits, mindset, release the disempowering beliefs, fears from the past. Be still, embody balance, practice gratitude, patience, awareness. Believe in yourself.
We have inside of us a unique and beautiful soul, what’s the gift that you have and that you can share with the community. Dissolve those disempowering beliefs, limitations that you’ve learned from this society and be authentic. You are limitless.
When things in life get more difficult don’t give up, be resilient, take a step back, and understand what’s going on. Change your perception, be compassionate, aware. What defines you is how you find balance, peace, strength, adaptability, and a conscious mindset in any situation.
Did you wake up this morning and realized how blessed you’re! You can start by being grateful for your health, family, freedom, ability to experience new things, seeing the beautiful weather outside. Change your perception, awareness, and practice stillness.
People set expectations too high about others, then comes to disappointment, heartbreak, anger, sadness, stress. What you can do to avoid that is to be conscious, aware of what you want, being present in every moment, taking action, and stand still when needed. You’re enough.
Allow yourself to go with the flow in life and embrace the unknown. Release fear, worries, doubts, control issues, change your perception, let the passion within you arise, live a life where the unexpected is a constant, and be open to change your mindset.
When a conflict situation arises, instead of raising your voice, make your point as the right thing, avoid that by having compassion for others. Remember that both arguments are valid, just both have different perceptions. Create strong bonds with others instead of drama. Be present.
When you’re emotionally triggered by adversity in life, instead of reacting negatively, be still, let the awareness and consciousness arising within you, be present, have the clarity to find balance, peace, courage through your actions facing anything that life throws you.
If you’re constantly complaining, angry, worried, sad, in fear, jealous, procrastinating in your life. You’re out of balance. Change your mindset, perception about the situations that you’re experiencing. Let go of the past, be aware, conscious of what’s going on within you.
Where do your beliefs, thoughts, words, actions, and judgments come from? From your head means that you come from a place of ego instead of coming from your heart where compassion, kindness, Love will allow you to have a positive impact on yourself and others. Be aware of it.
We’re here in a quest of self-discovery, soul evolution, learning from human life experiences, and find the balance between the material and spiritual world. When you’re in alignment with your soul, following your intuition, then you’re on the path of Love, success, and abundance.
In a world where fear, pessimism, negativity, anger, frustration is constant. Each one of us can contribute with Love, kindness, compassion, honesty, integrity, truth to free the world and humanity from these low energies. A change of mindset & perception is needed.
Life is a series of choices. Choose Love, optimism, honesty, integrity, truth, awareness, consciousness, courage instead of pessimism, fear, dishonesty, criticism, anger, lies, illusion. Start by changing your perception, mindset about life. Be grateful, patient, and balanced.
Through your life journey when you experience fear, frustration, heartbreak, sadness, anxiety, doubt, worries, anger, instead of letting those emotions take over you, ground yourself, be aware, present, strong, remember that you can choose to carry the lessons but not the pain.
Free yourself from the low energies from the past, the fear, frustration, pain, resentment, jealousy, anger, release all of them, practice gratitude for you to elevate to higher energies where Love, kindness, compassion, joy are a constant in your life. You can do it.
Each one of us has inner wisdom, if you’re not aware and conscious of it is because you’re disconnected from your soul. Allow the peace, harmony, freedom to embrace you through stillness. Be your true self, follow your intuition. You are unique.
Be aware, conscious when you’re triggered by someone, where you lose control of yourself. you’re giving your power to others allowing them to manipulate and trigger those emotions in you. say no to drama, choose peace, balance, and learn the lesson from those experiences.
Are you waiting to be wealthy and then start to feel happy and abundant? Stop waiting, be grateful for all that you have right now, feel the abundance within you. Changing is a process, practice patience, awareness, mindfulness, see things from a different perspective. Have Courage.
When we know who we truly are, our purpose in life will unveil. We align ourselves with our soul through balance, peace, harmony, love, compassion. We’re not alone and when interacting with others diplomacy is needed. Cooperation is essential for us to move forward and thrive.
This society's thinking is outdated, people search for allies to justify their based ego actions. We’re not “sheep’s” to follow egocentric, narcissistic, manipulative, dishonest, deceiving individuals. time to wake up, change the mindset where honesty, integrity, truth are the core.
A new way of being and living our lives is needed. We need to disrupt those ego-based thinking and align with our heart connecting to our soul. Life is a blessing, be balanced in your thoughts and actions through your journey. Choose strength and courage instead of fear.
Be more of who you are! Authentic, genuine through your thoughts, actions being aware, consciously aligned with your soul, following your intuition will allow you to move forward in life with a sense of purpose and with a passion to thrive during your journey in this world.
The way you perceive, see yourself is by far more important than the way other people think or see you. Let go of the need to fit a person or group, please them. Take care of yourself first, be compassionate, aware of the impact that your actions have on you and others.
All challenges are growth opportunities and we should be grateful for them. We only evolve our soul as a human being through those experiences. We can learn, understand, accept them as they are or complain, victimize ourselves, letting fear, resentment, anger control us.
Don’t stress yourself over situations that you’ve no control over. Find peace, harmony, joy in this fast-paced world without jeopardizing your health. Balance is the key, embrace change, the unexpected in your life with enthusiasm and excitement instead of fear, doubt, or guilt.
Release the baggage from the past, start to look ahead, and learn who you want to be. Turn your wounds into wisdom. Stay strong, believe in yourself, be conscious, adaptable, grateful for the lessons, they’re meant to build a more evolved version of you. Resilience is needed.
Each person’s journey is different, this means that there’s not only one way, one formula that suits everyone. Embrace every aspect of who you are, build your character from love, compassion, honesty, integrity, and truth. Be courageous, strong, unique, follow your inner wisdom.
Break the chain, the anchor from the past, heal the insecurities, fear, doubts, anxiety, negativity. Rely on your strength and power, don’t expect others will do it for you, work on yourself, carve your path. change your perception, consciousness, wake up from the illusion.
Untangle yourself from the beliefs that you’ve been confirmed through a society where fear, anxiety, judgment, limitations, you can’t, you’re not good enough, you’re not like the others, deceiving, manipulating, lying to people are a constant. Follow your intuition, your truth.